#NoExcuse: A global call to end violence against women

Cada 25 de noviembre se conmemora el Día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer, el cual fue designado en el año 2000 durante la Asamblea General de la ONU; con el fin de hacer el llamado a los gobiernos, las organizaciones internacionales y la sociedad civil a coordinar actividades de prevención y atención.En 2023, ONUMUJERES invita a unirse a la campaña mundial bajo el lema #NoHayExcusa: Un llamado mundial para eliminar la violencia contra la mujer, para  frenar las múltiples violencias que afectan a las niñas, adolescentes y mujeres alrededor del mundo.

Why is it important to remember this day?

According to reports from the United Nations, globally, 1 in 3 women has been a victim of physical and/or sexual violence at least once in her life. Given the magnitude of the problem. This date not only motivates us to think about gender-based violence and its impact on an individual, community, and a social level but also to take measures for its prevention and eventual eradication.

Types of Violence

Violence can occur in public or private settings and is not limited to physical injuries. There are different types of violence against women, including:

  • Psychological violence
  • Economic Violence
  • Emotional violence
  • Physical violence
  • Sexual violence
  • Digital violence
How to recognize violence against women?

Violence shows progressively and often disguises itself as “good intentions” that end up being forms of control and manipulation. For the victim, it can be difficult to leave a violent situation as it is often not recognized as violence until the abuser has control over the affected individual.

En el contexto de la pandemia provocada por COVID-19, en 2021, en Asociación PASMO desarrollamos una campaña con el apoyo de Management Sciences for Health –MSH-, para contribuir a mejorar el acceso a los servicios de prevención y atención a la violencia basada en género de mujeres Mayas y mestizas de San Marcos, Huehuetenango y Quetzaltenango en Guatemala .  Entre los hallazgos y recomendaciones para la comunicación, buscamos apoyar a las mujeres a primero identificar los diferentes tipos de violencia. Después de eso podían buscar apoyo, especialmente a través del número 1572 del Modelo de Atención Integral para Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia I´x Kem (MAIMI) del Ministerio Público con atención las 24 horas del día los 365 días del año.



The campaign aired in the three prioritized geographical areas from February to May 2022 on social media, radio in Spanish and Mam languages, and outdoor platforms, successfully reaching 787,713 women trough digital media and 268,781 through mass media.

How to support a woman in a situation of violence?
  1. Listen without judging.
  2. Offer emotional support.
  3. If you know places that provide psychological, legal or community support, share the information with her.
  4. Encourage autonomy by supporting her decisions.
  5. Avoid blaming the victim.

As part of the PASMO’s with highly vulnerable populations, it is important to highlight the violence suffered by transgender women and not forget to include them in all prevention, care, and mobilization efforts. This November 25th , we join the call to renew our commitment to the fight against gender-based violence. Every action matters to build a world where all women, including trans women,live free from violence.

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